Screen Time Before Bed

A Sleep Thief or Just a Myth?
In our modern-day routine where screens have become the quintessential companions, ensuring a restful sleep seems like chasing a mirage in the digital desert. However, the "Universal Breath app" emerges as a digital oasis, offering respite from the screen-time blues.

Screen-time and Sleep: A Modern Dilemma
The blue light from screens is notorious for meddling with our melatonin production, an essential hormone that ushers us into a restful slumber. Furthermore, the digital engagements often lead to an overstimulated mind, exactly the opposite of the calm demeanor needed for sleep.

Lets see the summary
  • Screen time before bed increases blue light exposure, suppressing melatonin production.
  • It can affect mood, linking to depression, anxiety, and poor sleep quality.
  • Overstimulation of the brain occurs due to scrolling or engaging with stimulating content.
  • Devices entice staying awake for longer, leading to sleep debt over time.
  • Disrupts the natural sleep-wake cycle, potentially causing insomnia.
  • Studies show smartphone use decreases sleep duration and quality​​.
Universal Breath app: Your Bedtime Companion
Transition from screen-time to dream-time effortlessly with the Universal Breath app. Its guided breathing exercises are crafted to calm your mind, preparing it for a restful night.

Six Tips for a Balanced Digital Diet Before Bed
1. Create a Screen-free Zone: Keep screens out of your bedroom to signal your brain it's a place for relaxation and sleep.
2. Technology Curfew: Put your devices away at least an hour before bedtime.
3. Blue Light Filters: Use settings or apps that reduce blue light exposure during the evening hours.
4. Keep a Light On: Don't use screens in total darkness; the contrast can strain your eyes.
5. Try Audio-based Mindfulness Practices: Use the Universal Breath app for guided breathing exercises before bed.
6. Set a Limit: Be mindful of the time you spend on screens before bedtime.
Start using Universal Breath for free

Q: How does the Universal Breath app aid in better sleep?
A: By offering guided breathing exercises, it helps in calming the overstimulated mind, promoting a quicker transition to sleep.

Q: Can I combine other mindfulness practices with the Universal Breath app exercises?
A: Absolutely! You can complement the breathing exercises with other mindfulness practices like meditation or listening to calm music for an enriched relaxing experience before bed.

Q: How much time should I dedicate to the Universal Breath app before bed?
A: Even a short session of 5-10 minutes can make a significant difference in preparing your mind for a restful night.
Did you know? Dolphins have an unusual sleep pattern known as unihemispherical slow-wave sleep (USWS). In USWS, only one hemisphere of the brain sleeps at a time, while the other stays awake. This adaptation allows dolphins to continue swimming and to keep an eye out for predators even while they rest. It's a remarkable example of how diverse sleep mechanisms can be across different species in the wild.
Arthur K.

With the Universal Breath app, transition from the digital chaos to tranquil dreams seamlessly. It's not just about cutting down screen time; it's about replacing it with something that nurtures your sleep. So, why not turn the tide on your bedtime routine tonight?
I release today's stress and welcome restful sleep to rejuvenate my mind and body for a fresh tomorrow.