Try different breathing exercises

Sit comfortable, turn on the video, close your eyes and try to breathe through your nose.
Welcome to Universal Breath App:
Step into a transformative 5-minute guided breathing experience, meticulously designed for those new to the practice. Harness the age-old wisdom and techniques of Yogis Pranayama.

Understanding Yogis Pranayama:
Immerse yourself in the profound realm of Yogis Pranayama. This age-old yogic breathwork technique has been passed down through generations, celebrated for its power to align the mind, body, and soul.
5 min guided breathing for beginners
Benefits You'll Experience:
Stress Relief: The rhythmic nature of Sama Vritti acts as a natural tranquilizer, soothing the nervous system and melting away anxieties.

Sleep Enhancement: By calming the mind and slowing the heart rate, this practice paves the way for a restful, deep sleep.

Sharpened Focus: The deliberate attention to each breath phase helps in centering the mind, fostering a heightened sense of awareness and concentration.
5 min guided box breathing
The 10-Minute Box Breathing: Unveiling Tranquility Through Square Breathing

Venture into a sanctuary of serenity with our 10-minute guided box breathing session, also known as square breathing or four-square breathing. This practice, rooted in the ancient Pranayama tradition of Sama Vritti, invites you to explore the profound impact of balanced breathing on your mind and body.
10 min guided box breathing
What's Inside:
Playful Guidance: With lively animations and a friendly voice, we'll journey through exciting breathwork exercises that are both fun and beneficial.

Stress-Busting Techniques: Ever felt jittery before a test or a big game? Learn simple breathing techniques that melt away worries and calm your busy mind.

Lung Power-Up: Just like exercising muscles, our lungs need a good workout too! Boost your lung capacity and strength with our kid-friendly exercises.
5 min guided breathing for kids