Breathing 101: Dive Deep, Don't Stay Shallow!

How shallow breathing affects the body and mind

Breathing: it's been with us since day one. You'd think we'd have mastered it by now. But like a teen who just learned how to drive, we're prone to some missteps – or should we say, "miss-breaths"? Let’s take a closer look at why staying 'shallow' in our breathing is so 2019, and why 'going deep' is the way to go.

Breathe In, Breathe Out, but How Deep?
Believe it or not, there's an art to breathing, and most of us are painting rather half-heartedly. Instead of luxurious strokes that cover the canvas, we're dotting it with tiny spots. That’s right – many of us are shallow breathers. And before you chuckle thinking it's akin to being a "shallow person," you might want to dive deeper into understanding what shallow breathing actually is.

The Skinny on Shallow Breathing
Shallow breathing, fancy names aside, is just not getting enough air. It's like nibbling on a grand feast instead of savoring the full spread. It’s the equivalent of giving a parched plant a single droplet of water and hoping it thrives. Shallow breathers are basically taking small sips of air rather than a refreshing gulp.

Why Being Shallow Isn't 'In' Anymore
Our emotions, stress levels, and overall well-being are all mingling with the air we breathe. So, if you're just skimming the surface with your breathing, you're missing out on a whole world of benefits. Fancy staying calm in a traffic jam? Want to think clearly during a heated meeting? Deep breathing is your ticket.
Six Side-Effects of Being a Shallow Breather
Being a shallow breather is kind of like being that friend who only reads the book's title and then claims they know the story. There's a lot more beneath the surface!

1. Reduced Oxygen Intake: Who needs a brain fog when there's already enough fog outside? Shallow breathing might just make you feel dizzier than spinning in a chair.
2. Muscle Tension: Feeling a bit stiff up there? Thank your shallow breaths for the uptight shoulder dance.
3. Weakened Immunity: Deep breaths buff up your immune system, while shallow ones? Not so much.
4. Stress Spike: Ever noticed how stress makes you breathe faster? Well, shallow breathing isn't doing your stress levels any favors.
5. Detox, or Lack Thereof: It’s not all about inhaling; exhaling matters too. Keep those toxins moving!
6 .Goodnight's Rest? Nope: With shallow breathing, counting sheep might just become your new night ritual.
Start using Universal Breath for free
For the many out there who've just tried to sneakily take a deep breath, you’re on the right track.

Breathe Deep, Live Full: Five Techniques to Improve Your Breathing
Breathing might be natural, but doing it right can be a craft. So here are some tips to perfect that art:

  1. Diaphragmatic Breathing: Think of this as belly dancing but for your lungs. Feel that belly rise and fall – it's a workout in disguise.
  2. Mindfulness Meditation: Let's just say it's the spa day your lungs deserve. Dive into meditative practices and just... breathe.
  3. Get Moving: Whether you’re grooving to 80’s hits or just taking a stroll, physical activity can be your lungs’ best pal.
  4. Posture Check: Stand tall, breathe tall. It’s a package deal.
  5. Breathing Bootcamp: There's an exercise for everything, including your breath. Whether it’s the structured box breathing or the rhythmic 4-7-8 technique, find your fit.
Got Questions? We Got Answers

Q: What's with the shallow breathing?
A: Usually, it's our body's not-so-subtle hint of stress or anxiety. But if it's a regular gig without the stress playlist, you might want to check with a doc.

Q: Can I DIY my way out of shallow breathing?
A: You sure can! From meditation to posture checks, you've got a toolkit at your disposal. But if Mr. Shallow Breath overstays his welcome, call in the professionals.

Q: Am I oxygen-deprived if I breathe shallowly?
A: Not necessarily, but if you make it a habit, your body might not be getting the O2 it deserves. So, aim for the deep end!

Q: When should I worry about my shallow breaths?
A: If your breathing sounds like a broken record and you're feeling off, see a doctor. Better safe than shallow.
The good news? The path from shallow to deep breathing is but a breath away. The even better news? There's an app for that! The Universal Breath app offers techniques to guide your breaths, ensuring you and your body reap the optimal rewards of simply... breathing. In a world where being "deep" is a compliment, let's start with our breaths. After all, why be shallow when you can be profound?